
NUAA offers an NSP postal service for people who cannot get to an NSP in person because of distance or mobility issues. Our NSP postal service is currently free for community members located in New South Wales. Place your order online or by calling (02) 8357 3434 or free call 1800 644 413. We mail out the orders on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You can also order Naloxone, which reverses Opioid overdoses, at the shop for free. People who wish to order Naloxone will be required to complete a short course before their order is processed. Naloxone orders made by 5pm Wednesday will be mailed Fridays. Due to the scale of mail out requests, we have limits on equipment that can be ordered and some items may be temporarily unavailable. However, to help us out, we encourage you to make a donation to NUAA if you can afford it (at the PayPal button at the footer at the bottom of this page), and to consider joining NUAA as a member ($10 a year or you apply to waive the fee if you can’t afford it).